9th Prix Aleksandr Savchuk
The Aleksander Savchuk Cancer Charity was thrilled to honour Dr Jacques Pouysségur with the Aleksandr Savchuk Prize at the 16ème Biennale Monégasque de Cancérologie. The
We established the Aleksandr Savchuk Prize within our Association in 2014. Thanks to a strong scientific committee, we have been able to select highly deserving scientists from around the world who have made significant contributions to the fight against cancer. Sadly, my father, a wonderful person, businessman, and philanthropist, passed away from cancer. This loss inspired us to help others and give families hope that they may never suffer from this terrible illness. We believe in the power of collective efforts to bring about positive change in our lives.
The myth of Prometheus is accepted as a metaphor for bringing knowledge to humanity. Prometheus is said to have created man from water and earth, breathing life into his clay body… ‘Transmitter of fire’, he taught man metallurgy and other arts and techniques. A ‘transmitter of fire’, he taught man metallurgy and other arts and techniques. The Aleksandr Savchuk Cancer Charity is part of this approach and rewards research to give impetus to innovative treatments and promote future techniques.The Aleksandr Savchuk Prize is awarded annually to a researcher by the Scientific Council of the Charity. The trophy is an original work of art created by the glass sculptor Antoine Pierini. It is presented by its President, Mrs Taisiya Savchuk-Polishchuk, at an official ceremony and is accompanied by financial support for the work and research carried out.
The Aleksander Savchuk Cancer Charity was thrilled to honour Dr Jacques Pouysségur with the Aleksandr Savchuk Prize at the 16ème Biennale Monégasque de Cancérologie. The
Le 27 janvier 2022 au Dr Catherine Alix-Panabières, Directrice du Laboratoire Cellules Circulantes Rares Humaines du CHU de Montpellier s’est vu remettre ce prix pour
Le 30 janvier 2020, lors du « 14ème Edition de la Biennale Monégasque de Cancérologie », la Présidente, Madame Taisiya Savchuk-Polishchuk, a récompensé le Docteur
Remis le 11 Octobre 2019 à Padoue par la Présidente, Madame Taisiya Savchuk-Polishchuk, lors du « 15eme meet the professor – Advanced international Breast Cancer » organisé
C’est à l’occasion d’une soirée spéciale qui s’est tenue le 7 Décembre 2018 que la Charité Aleksandr Savchuk à remis le 5ème Prix Aleksandr Savchuk.
C’est à l’occasion de la soirée de Gala « Le Bal des Lumières » qui s’est tenu le 2 Décembre 2017 que la Charité Aleksandr
We are very happy to support young artists who take bold approaches to contemporary art at the Pavillon Bosio Monaco. It is a privilege to encourage and celebrate such talented students.
We are very happy to support young artists who take bold approaches to contemporary art at the Pavillon Bosio Monaco. It is a privilege to
Discover more about the Aleksandr Savchuk Cancer Charity
We are very happy to support young artists who take bold approaches to contemporary art at the Pavillon Bosio Monaco. It is a privilege to
(2022/2023) Sensible à l’engagement du Palais de Tokyo et à sa mission citoyenne, la Charité souhaite faire avancer la réflexion autour du Care et du
Projet pilote au Centre Antoine Lacassagne (Nice) Il consiste à la mise en place, une fois par mois, d’ateliers d’art-thérapie à La Consolata, en
A l’occasion de la 15eme Biennale Monégasque de Cancérologie, Aleksandr Savchuk Cancer Charity a invité à visionner « Voie Lactée ». Cette performance dansée, introduit
Projet pilote au Centre Antoine Lacassagne (Nice) C’est quoi l’Art-thérapie ? De plus en plus répandu dans les secteurs de la santé, l’art-thérapie est une
La Aleksandr Savchuk Cancer Charity et les Aleksandr’s Angels ont organisé le premier Bal des Terminales qui s’est tenu au Café de Paris de Monaco