Art Therapy

Art positively impacts both mental and physical health

Creating Health Resilience

The Impact of Art

In 2019, the WHO released a report titled ‘Health Evidence Network synthesis report 67’, which reviewed over 3000 studies. It concluded that ‘art positively impacts both mental and physical health’ across all age groups. The WHO highlighted a ‘major role of the arts in the prevention of ill health, the promotion of health and the management and treatment of disease throughout the life course”.

Centre Antoine Lacassagne

The centre was founded in 1961 and provides care and treatment for all types of cancer. The charity were delighted to fund the art therapy sessions for adults,   children and families in 2021 and 2022. A total of 117 people attended the sessions led by the Art Therapist, Sandrine Cochet. Often patients and families face a state of shock when the diagnosis is announced, social isolation in the face of the disease, lack of connection and communication when returning home. The art therapy sessions allowed the participants to create bonds and break the feeling of loneliness in the face of the disease. “There’s a real desire expressed by the participants to be in a space of creativity and listening. To take time to feel, to observe, to hear what needs to be said. Intergenerational exchanges were numerous and precious during these workshops, where parents and children were able to express their wishes. Everyone was able to find their place, even the baby who did the finger painting was able to move much more freely,” concluded Sandrine.


Rehabilitation: Art Therapy

To provide psychological support to women and children, the Rehabilitation: Art Therapy project was launched. The project was initiated by Taisiya Savchuk-Polishchuk, President of the Aleksandr Savchuk Cancer Charity, and advised by Natalia Shpytkovska, Director of the M17 Contemporary Art Centre. The idea of the project was developed under the supervision of the project manager Nata Katerynenko, head of the NGO “MITEC” (“МІТЄЦ”), co-founder and editor-in-chief of the portal “MITEC” (“МІТЄЦ”).
The Rehabilitation: Art Therapy project was created as an artistic and psychotherapeutic rehabilitation programme for mothers and children affected by Russian aggression and in need of psychological support. The aim of the project is to support the mental health and psychological resilience of mothers and children in crisis situations through art therapy. The project programme included 16 workshops in various art forms led by artists and 16 psychological reflection groups with professional therapists over 4 months.

The theory and methodology of the Rehabilitation: Art Therapy project is based on the theoretical and practical principles of using art as a means of psychocorrection and rehabilitation, the psychoanalytic concept of understanding the nature and mechanisms of fine arts, the psychology of personality development and the psychological characteristics of child-parent relationships.

The feedback we received gives us grounds to believe that the project, which combines art workshops and reflective groups, is highly effective in correcting the psycho-emotional condition and developing resilience to stress.

Art Therapy Book

A very special art therapy book “Towards the Light” was launched in 2023. This is a children’s art therapy book which offers a creative outlet for children to explore and express their emotions, using art as a tool for healing and self discovery.

The book was born from the desire of our founder, Taisiya Savchuk-Polishchuk, to help traumatised Ukrainian children deal with being displaced from their homes and unable to express themselves. Taisiya is impassioned by the role that art therapy plays in improving health and well-being and so “Towards the Lights” was created alongside the talents of author Svetlana Meteleva and illustrator Mariana Mikitiuk. This unique book allows all children to confront their fears and difficulties by using their imagination to tap into their inner creativity and find a safe space to create their own secure world.

Art therapy can be a powerful tool for children to process their emotions and find healing. “Towards the light” is designed to provide both children and parents with the tools they need to feel seen, heard, and validated. 

The book has been translated into French, English and Italian and has been dirtibuted to centres throughout Europe. If you would like to order copies, please contact the charity.


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